Ice School

Classes for all ages and levels. Our methodology is based on teaching technical skills in a fun and relaxed atmosphere

On this page you will find all the necessary information to sign up for our skating school, a space designed for all ages, for people who want to learn to skate on ice.

Open enrollment

To make your registration, the first step is to make the request, with your name, age, level and choosen schedule:

In order to formalize the registration, it is essential to complete the following form before the beginning of each period. You will find the start and end dates of each period below.

If you want more information, call +34  689 494 140 from Monday to Thursday from 10 am to 2 pm or from 4 pm to 6 pm, Friday from 10 am to 2 pm. You can also send an email to:

Levels and Schedules

The ice school is divided into three levels of learning. The schedule of each enrollee will depend on the number of classes you want to do weekly (later you can see the prices).

MONDAY   18:15 to 19:15 From 4 to 16 years old L1 and L2    
19:15 to 20:15   L3 to L10 and from 4 to 12 years old L3 to L10 and from 4 to 12 years old  
20:30 to 21:30 ADULTS ADULTS  ADULTS   
TUESDAY 18:15 to 19:15 From 4 to 12 years old      
THURSDAY   18:15 to 19:15 From 4 to 16 years old L1 and L2    
19:15 to 20:15   L3 to L10 and from 4 to 12 years old L3 to L10 and from 4 to 12 years old  
20:30 to 21:30   13 to ADULTS From 13 to Adults  
WEDNESDAY 18:15 to 19:15   From 13 to 16 years old From 13 to 16 years old  
SATURDAY    7:00 to 8:15       15 years old or older
8:00 to 9:15       Under 15 years old
9:30 to 10:30   From 4 to 16 years old From 4 to 16 years old  
10:30 to 11:30 From 4 to 16 years old      
SUNDAY 9:30 to 10:30 ADULTS From 4 to Adults From 4 to Adults  



The minimum registration period is one period. The Skating School divides the season into three periods (each period consists of 10 weeks of class) (*) (**):

First period: from September 28 to December 20.

Second period: from December 9 to March 14.

Third period: from March 4 to June 7.

* The start and end day of the period will depend on the day of the week chosen by each student.

** Specific dates are subject to change depending on the availability of the track, as well as the situation due to the COVID-19.


The cost of the skating school depends on the number of classes that you want to do weekly. Once the price has been paid, the student will be able to complete the classes for a period of time. The prices in the table that you will see below correspond to the cost of a period.

Price per period Normal rate Partner rate Brother/sister rate
A weekly class 250 € 225 € 200€
Two weekly clas 325 € 292,5 € 260€
Three weekly class 400 € 360 € 320€


To be able to do the classes it is necessary that the students attend the ice rink with comfortable clothes, gloves (mandatory) and helmet (compulsory for children under 12 years old). As for the skates, the School leaves the skates for the classes.


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